Thursday, February 7, 2008


Guys it's 12:40.. I've been awake! For the past few days. AWAKE AWAKE. I KEEP TRYING TO SAY AWEKE? it's great.

Guys. Again I start with Guys... I just completely lost my train of thought..

I LOVE THAT. TRAIN OF THOUGHT. IT'S LIKE. IT MAKES COMPLETE SENSE! Train.. I MEAN. YES. IT'S LIKE WEEOOEEOO.............. Does it make sense to you? Yes I'm talking to you.

Imagine if the world was just.. not round. Flat. The people living right at the edges would have many safety rule things. Imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like. You take a walk right to the edge..... then you just start floating cos there's no more gravity. That's great man. I think that countries at the edge would make the edges like.. tourist attractions. Don't you think? Like. They'd tie a rope around you and just push you off and WOO THERE YOU GO. I mean. Yeah. That makes complete sense to me.

I'm listening to something really nice right now.

I'm really tired of sitting on my bum. But there's nothing to do. I just felt like maybe it's time this blog got a proper update (as in more than 5 sentences). I'm falling deeply in love with Switchfoot I just have to tell you guys that.

Kay, I'm gonna just post this thing now. And hopefully you guys have learned something deep and meaningful from this.

Oh and Happy Chinese New Year to you chinese people.

And to every other race..


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