Friday, June 1, 2007

to the girls that i love to love..

*sings* kathhrrryyynn

yeah i know she's upside down. kathryn kathryn. i love you kathryn!! i love how only you can come up wiht the stupidest reasons for something. hahaha! i love how easy it is to talk to you about God. yeapyeap. i love you! I LOVE YOUR VERY FAKE BUT GENUINE LAUGHTER!! how many different laughs do you have?! hahahahah! i love you for being you even when yo u 're being so irritating. i love you .ahhahaha.

you know, she actually printed this photo of her and gave it to me on my birthday?? hahahhah!

i love you! for being so understanding, for not being quick to judge.. what would i do without you? even if we may not be as close as we were.. you're still one of my favoooorite peeperr YO! you are one of the very few peeper that i can actually .. what's that word.. i dont' know. but that i 'm not afraid to talk to about anythingg.. as in.. you know what i mean?? yeah you do cos you're cool. you have to be to be my friend after all ;) wasn't that confusing??
i'm gonna miss you so muchhhhhh!!! gosh!

kelsey my chindian hottie

hahaha! not so hot looking in this picture but i couldn't resist. sorry la yah??

YOU! always the person i can trust to be honest with me. who used to NAGG my butt off for me to go read my Bible and this and that. who NAGGSS at me when i do soemthing wrong. who I myself nag at when you do something wrong. i think that's why we're bestfriends.

i love you honneeehhh! don't try to be something.. because it's what OTHER people expect of you! if that makes sense. and don't underestimate ME you butt! ok i love you. ahahahha!

ccccrrrrryyyysssstaaaall chaaaachaaaa

*dance dance*
i love you so much! more than you know! WAYY more than you know! when i say "i love you" I'M SERIOUS! i'd eat vege for you! hahahaha!!! how long have we known each othaaaa?? since i was 11 and you were that 14 year old who went to stayover in that 11 year old's house yah?? the fair girl who at first i thought had a funny voice. heh! bet you didn't know that huh? well well, I DID! funny but beautiful ;) hahaha!

thanks yous! for being honest with me, for saying, "aiyoh nielle.. chill la!", for whacking my head and NOT whacking my head verbally or not, for being my crazy friend, for being my mature and immature friend, my deep shallow friend, for telling me things (kepoh mah), for just being YOU!!! i love you so much! and again.. MORE THAN YOU KNOW! *pinches cheeks*

yeahh.. just felt like it.. :)

.. danielle

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